Stories, Songs, and Senses

an infant/toddler sensory play class in New Canaan, CT


Join a Class!

Click Come Play! for details

Wednesdays 9:30-10:15

Thursdays 10:00-10:45

Got a group of friends/pod looking for a class, reach out and let's see if we can set it up! 

Join the Email List to hear about pop-up classes, library classes, and registration!

Find me at the New Canaan Library

I teach monthly classes at the New Canaan Library, you can register for the class the 1st of the month before class by visiting:

Upcoming Dates:

Monday, May 6th (register April 1st)

Monday, June 3rd (register May 1st

What do we do in class?

Click Get Messy! for more information


Stories teach children language, vocabulary, and help create connections with experiences and you. Come read with us!


Rhyming and Rhythm are important to developing language. They set a literacy foundation for later learning. Come sing with us!


Children explore and learn through doing. Different textures and materials teach them about the world. Come get messy with us!


I'm a mom of a 5 and a 2 year old. I have a Masters in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education and hold CT and NY state teaching certification. I have 17 years of teaching experience and cannot wait to meet you and your children - we will have so much fun reading, singing, and most importantly getting messy and exploring different materials and textures.